Mine was gletcherprise.
Ozona President for me.
SG Black Rappee in 1982. Still one of my favorites
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v129/JSRupp/cokesnuff.jpg 1970 http://ermtony.pbworks.com/w/page/14871376/f/Levi\_Garret\_Snuff.jpg Later that same year
Hedges L260 sometime in the 70’s
It must have been Gletscher Prise, 2007
J&H Wilson S.P.No.1 some time around 1986 or 87.
Ozona President for me.
I believe it was Pöschl Red Bull once in high school then I had forgotten about snuff until I bought a box of Gletscher Prise about two and a half years ago and started snuffing.
Poschl Packard’s Club - I am one of those odd folks that actually LIKE their dispenser. Just saying…
don’t know specifically, some menthol white in a little tin back in 1967 that I bought in a head shop, oh and a raspberry tobacco one.
Dean Swift Jasmine back in 1982. Liked it then but can’t stand it now.
W.E. Garrett Scotch
Toque Quit and Abraxas Premium Club Coarse. I forget which one I tried first, but those two were my first purchase
SG B mentol
Maya (5g spin-tin in bottom right corner) Don’t remember the taste, since I snorted all of it probably past my sinuses and into the brain.
McChrystal’s O&G. Still one of my favorites.
Toque Vanilla
Some kind of schmalzler, likely from Bernard or Poschl, back in the late 70s, offered to me in a medieval-themed restaurant in Augsburg, Germany. There was a wooden snuff catapult that launches the tobacco up both nostrils. I thought it was pretty cool, though it was several decades before I took a serious interest in snuffing. The snuff machine: https://mrsnuff.com/product\_info.php?products\_id=1531
GH Cherry. found it delicious, even dried out. still like it.