
Just bought some Neftobak in the 45g horn shaped cannister from, Jayems, 125 Victoria Street, Victoria Street, London SW1E 6RD 020 7828 1472. The tobacconist said that if people wanted to call him he could arrange mail order but shipping to the U.K only. A bit pricey mind at £6.99. I have only had a brief time with this snuff but on first impressions it has an odd sweet and salty taste/smell, that reminds me of Turkish sumac and I am told you can add some water to it and make a sterk los snus. I will experiment over the weekend. Has anyone any experience of using this stuff either as nasal snuff or snus?


Not that expensive when you realise that 10g of WoS is around £1.50. Victoria Street is just a tube ride from me (never visited the shop though). Look forward to hearing what it is like.

Could you post a picture of the container?

Good find, khalid!

This Neftobak sounded interesting so I did a search and came up with this photo Maybe Mr Snuff can look into stocking this Link to more info

Very cool. Yes, Dave please look into it!

I think I would also purchase it. Is this that Icelandic snuff/snus? Stefan

We were just discussing this towards the end of this other thread a few weeks ago: Horn SnuffboxesIts rather curious that this has turned up in a London brick & mortar shop.

I’d mistake the containers for either shoe polish or oil painting supplies if I wasn’t told what they were. So, is it Snuff. Snus or both?

According to what I read (can’t remember where), is that snus was outlawed in Iceland not long back, so since they can’t import it, they took to making their own, but dry so it can be used as nasal snuff. It is ostensibly nasal snuff, that’s what neftobak translates to. However, its more commonly self mixed with water to make Swedish style snus. Nasal use of snuff has a tradition in Iceland that seems to have died out in favor of snus. This product seems to be both attempting to revive that tradtion, and also circumventing the ban on snus. Rather clever actually. To use the plastic horn in the traditional Icelandic fashion, you insert the tip in your nostril, and then tip your head back allowing the snuff to pour in.

Seems like you could waste a lot of snuff that way. I could only imagine how much snuff could be dumped in the nose that way; then, how much would pour right back out of your nose when returning your head to it’s normal position.

True. I would pinch my nose closed until it moistend up and got sticky. I do that with heavy snuffs already, otherwise they drop right out.

You could always fill up then pop in some nose plugs. I bet you could get about a gram in each nostril and then you would be good to go for the day. No snuff box can match that.

I bet that would be a rush.

@cstokes4 Ahh! Thanks for clearing up the mystery for me. The idea of pouring Snuff into the nose is intriguing, but I wonder how many people walk away from the experience looking like Marty Feldman afterward.

If anyone would be interested in getting a tin of this for me, I’d be rather interested in trying it. Of course, it’ll have to wait for ~2 weeks with bills coming up Filek and I have both been trying to get some of this since early summer. khalid: Does the store near you sell in any quantities greater that 45g, like that 250g tub I’ve seen pics of?

O.K, Neftobak appears to be made by ATVR .The State Alcohol and Tobacco Company of Iceland (ÁTVR) is a monopoly in sales of alcohol in Iceland. ÁTVR runs 48 liquor-shops in Iceland. ÁTVR’s head office in Reykjavík Street address: Studlahals 2 Postal address: ATVR, Studlahals 2, 110 Reykjavik E-mail: Telephone: +354 560 7700 Fax: +354 560 7757 CEO: Ívar J. Arndal ( For those of you in the U.S who wanted to get a hold of some…new job and new baby mean that it will be six weeks before I am in central London again. Maybe another London based snuffhouser will be able to sort you out more speedily. Sorry for this, I would normally be happy to oblige. Jayems only hold stock of the 45g cannisters. I have mixed some of the tobacco into los snus and am pleasantly suprised, it is not as strong as legend would have it but equal in strength to a normal Swedish Match product. There must be some added ingredient to make more of the nicotine available. It bakes well and has a flavour that is peaty and smokey like an islay single malt. Really pleasant. I hope someone can find a way to make this available by mail order.

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Buy this with caution Because this smells like horseshit(not joking).But it is has quite a nicotine hit which is good.

Some of my favorite snuffs smell like horseshit. Can’t find it anywhere though. @MatadorMan: I’d happily trade you for something you like if you PM me.

Howdy Xander! That’s because you don’t live close to anybody who owns horses! I bet your post ends up in “Out of context!”