A new product from Sir Walter Scott's Fine Border Snuff on site now.

Pontefract Priory The base tobacco for this snuff is Black Cavendish blended with flue cured Burley, Zimbabwe and Bright Leaf Virginia, sauced with a syrup made by simmering liquorice roots in Muscovado sugar and cased with an extract of liquorice roots suspended in alcohol for six months. Decoctions of the liquorice shrub Glycyrrhiza glabra, had been the universal cure-all for pulmonary complaints since antiquity. Liquorice shrubs were first introduced to Britain in the early 12th century by Spanish monks from the Cluniac monastery in Sahagún, as a gift for their brethren in the newly founded priory at Pontefract. The plants thrived there and were soon established in the herb garths of other monastic houses in Yorkshire. The origin of the sweet loved by children dates from the 1700’s, when George Dunhill, an apothecary in Pontefract, added sugar to a decoction of liquorice root to create a form of cough lozenge. In rural Yorkshire and Lancashire, liquorice is still always referred to as “Spanish”.

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DAMN!! That sounds wonderful. Heading to Mr. Snuff now. Update: Mr. Snuff site isn’t working for me right now, so Andrea the Angel is on the case. She’ll get it fixed. As usual Andrea got the problem solved quickly. She really is an angel.

Wonderful artistic creation indeed. Much labor in such a snuff.

yup, rejecting my c card

Wonderful artistic creation indeed. Much labor in such a snuff.

From what my nose tells me, quite often, is that Sir Johnny is not adverse to hard work when crafting snuff. I’m getting excited already. Good luck @Mouse

yup, rejecting my c card

update…I couldn’t place an order successfully (credit card issue) using my new chromebook but had no problem on firefox on my old netbook. Any others have a similar problem, just wondering if it is a chromebook issue.

:smiley: :-h

@mouse use the payment method “alternative processor” on the Chromebook

Great timing! Been putting together another EU order for sometime this week. I was planning on mostly sampling Indian snuffs this time, but this one MUST go on! Licorice without the menthol… I’ve been searching for this since I started :slight_smile: Thanks for the heads up, @Johnny

Orderd today looking forward to this!

Being up in Yorkshire now I’ve got to give this a go. As Hitsuzen said, liquorice without menthol was a definite gap in the market.

I was fortunate enough to try some of this recently and it really is splendid snuff; the liquorice is perfectly balanced and works beautifully with the rich flour. Delicious.

Ah… A new SWS offering: Can’t wait! :slight_smile: I feel [another] snuff buying spee in the offing :wink:

Here it is: Pontefract Priory

Please review this when you have a chance. Indeed SWS snuffs in general need more reviews from you guys (pretty please).

@MrSnuff - Cheers for that Dave :slight_smile: Just put my order in, if it arrives nice and quickly I pop a review on for you too! :wink:

Mines here didn’t take long.48hrs spot on.not tried it yet.

Very good snuff indeed.If you like liquorice sweets you will love this.but more than just liquorice to it.very nicely balanced and rich undertones of the tabacco come through perfectly. Something very different which I like.another masterpiece.

Ah Ha! @snuffykib am a big fan of liquorice; proper excited for this one to arrive :slight_smile: @Johnny 's snuff are all fantastic to be fair ^:)^

@MisterPaul It reminds me of old memories when my gran handed out the liquorice alsorts after tea on a Sunday .I’m sure you will love this.