What tin did you empty today?

Since some of us have massive collections of snuff, it can take awhile to reach the bottom of any particular tin. I find that if I focus on a few, I can actually empty them! So today, for me I finished a 10g tin of Wilsons of Sharrow Tangerine. Good, but maybe not one to get again for some time.


I am a couple pinches away from killing my tin of Wilson’s Toast #20, but I decided not to empty it completely until I get some more. I don’t like being without any of my favorite snuffs.


Cool topic Xander. Finished a small WOS Strasbourg today.

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It wasn’t today…last Friday actually, but it was McChrystal’s Violet. Getting a little low on Garrett’s Sweet, too, now that you mention it.


I polished off a tin of Toque Toffee. Luckily, I have a 50g bag in the freezer!

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Im halfway through a 500g cannister of a Toque blend I made up - by Xmas it will be gone.


I emptied my last tin of S’Nuff this morning. I’m a bit sad.

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Thats a good snuff that

I’ve emptied an extra large tin of O&G today but then again I empty one every fortnight or so. Stefan

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I never empty anything…


Emptied my tin of a cocktail of WoS IHDT #22, Toque W/H and Toque Bourbon.

Finished my smash box of McChrystal’s Clove that I got in a trade :frowning: But I have a unopened full large tin! :slight_smile: This is one I must never be without!

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Oooohhh that’s a good one for sure. I can’t wait until it gets cold outside.

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Cold? Don’t you live down here around my way or do i have you confused with someone else?

@Miami: I was talking about that one day out of the year where it dips below 70! Atleast 80’s are back on the horizon with September coming up, only 3 more months of 90’s!

I walk dogs all day so I’m also looking forward to “cooler” weather. I got soaked this morning by a sudden shower and I didn’t even mind. When it (rarely) gets below 60, I turn the heat on in my car and house and wear a coat!

Ahhh! You are a Floridian! When it hits in the 60’s I still wear shorts. A few years back I was in Ohio for vacation. One July morning I got up and went out side for a cigarette. It was 48 out, in July! People down here would lose their damn minds if that happened.

The sad thing is, I’m from Maryland originally. Between working on cruise ships, living in St. Thomas and Miami, it’s been about 20 years since I’ve been anywhere cold. I know some people miss the cold and change of seasons, etc, BUT NOT ME!!!

I’ve just empted one of my red boxes of Mac’s Mild Lemon,while sat out in the garden sunning myself.

I’ve never emptied a tin. I always switched off with different cans, and then I can’t take but maybe an apple seed’s amount.