Let’s see how many videos we can find focusing on snuffmaking. Here are a few with the wonderful Jaap Bes aka @snuffmiller. https://youtu.be/EkW1VHT1GB0
The mill in 1942. https://youtu.be/HEqQS5CkWLY
Here’s a short British film from 1964 concerning snuff. https://youtu.be/4XFxa1KT4gM
Nice thread @rostanf!
This one covers traditional Polish snuffmaking in Kashubia region:
Nice pictures!
Jaap Bes.
Just a quicke from British Pathe https://www.britishpathe.com/video/snuff-sniffing-session-aka-snuff-month-in-oxford
Moving this here from another thread. Kudos to @tobaccobob for discovering and sharing!
This video definitely belongs here:
This Moroccan guy is demonstrating how to make Maghrebian snuff (nefha). He uses 4 parts rustica, 1 part wood ash and a splash amount of water. Note similar basic tools used in different continents.
A glimpse at the parliamentary snuff box and Samuel Gawith mill:
If they were operating in Poland, the Sanitary-Epidemiological Station would certainly take care of them right away.
I randomly discovered that in south africa snuff tobacco is called ‘nsunko’. I am not sure but by searching it on youtube i found some Ntsu videos.
Warning you may find the following video a bit cringy or disturbing but there is ntsu black and green invloved. lol
This is also cringe but more interesting as it shows some snuff making.
At 8:33 there is some snuff and a pinch. it doesnt look like ntsu tho.
On a different note
what did he sniffed? Is it Poschl? maybe gletcherprise who knows
Pipe gents interviewing two snuffmakers - Sir Walter John “Johnny” Scott and Bob Gregory (SG):