Snuffhouse Marketplace (Members please post your Buy - Sell - Trade requests here!)

Welcome to the Snuffhouse Marketplace where you can buy, sell, or trade with other members of Snuffhouse. The ground rules:1. Buying, selling, or trading is done at your own risk; know who you are dealing with. 2. Posts over 60 days old will be deleted by a Moderator. 3. Please update original posts with pertinent information (please edit the post to keep things tidy) 4. Please private message (please do not whisper or post a response on this thread) the member that you are interested in dealing with. 5. Postings that are updated with: traded, gone, found a good home, etc. will be deleted 6. Please limit multiple postings, try to consolidate postings together to keep things neat and tidy, the oldest post will be deleted. 7. Happy buying, selling, or trading!

I have approximately 400 grams of a custom order from Toque of Sambac jasmine scented, oiled and medicated silver dollar tobacco. It is maybe as much as 3 years old. I ordered 1lb and transferred immediately to glassware. The container has only been opened less than 10 time, to take samples out. It’s good snuff but my wife and I just never cared for the aroma. I’m up to trade it on for significantly less weight. Have anything I might like? Send me a PM thanks. Established members


I’m far too lazy to sell or trade any of my voluminous snuff collection. I keep finding long forgotten tubs of De Kralingse, London Brown, Santo Domingo, Red Seal, etc. Perhaps one day I will fire-sale all my vintage nose candy.


Any chance of selling a sample of London brown? @mrmanos

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Hello all, i’m here to promote my snuff website, brazilian website, for sales only inside of Brazil. I have several domestic brands.

Ola a todos, estou aqui para promover meu website brasileiro de vendas de rapé, tenho várias marcas nacionais.


Anyone have any South African snuffs they are looking to part with?

I’m new to stuff so looking to experience anything new. Willing to buy open or discounted snuff and always open to free snuff, I mean who isn’t.

For sale… Note ALL are sweets

What price are you selling them for?

I’m asking $75 for the entire lot, or best offer, US only.

In search of 2 sealed tins of gawith made viking thors hammer or plus or minus the same amount of bulk from a well sealed jar. Thanks

For sale 3 plastic sealed tin/tubs of Garrett: 2 of Plain Scotch and 1 of Sweet. Asking $25 shipped. Thanks Brady

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I’ll take this, if still available. I’ve PM’d you.

Any Indian snuffs in Canada? Lmk. Mr.S keeps getting DINGED hard by customs :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::cry::frowning:.


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You can get Indian snuffs here but only in bulk 500g. 5 Photo is very similar to 6 Photo Kailash. I have ordered from here and they put incense powder or some such on the customs form and it sails right through.


@Blergs, they also carry Madras!

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Thanks soo much! Good to know! I’ll probably get a case then Ty. Even if more shipping and/or cost, it will still be cheaper vs getting dinged by customs! Not sure why Mr s doesn’t do this automatically for Canadian orders, but hopefully they will soon :crossed_fingers:

Thanks again! :grin::grin:

Thank you very much! :partying_face::grin::pray:

I’m in Ontario .
When you’ve ordered, did you use the standard UPS (cheapest) shipping option?
Did you ask them to label it as something else, or they just put it as incense etc on their own?

The TPS is looking good. (I’m not a big fan of menthol. So think one of the two Madras may be best)

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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