Continuing the discussion from Whatcha Chewin, Dippin, Snussin? (Part 1) - #13427 by Jammer.
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Continuing the discussion from Whatcha Chewin, Dippin, Snussin? (Part 1) - #13427 by Jammer.
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Röda Lacket at the moment, which I have been alternating with a can of Göteborgs Prima Fint.
Silverback Classic so far
A prilla of my homecooked snus (50% Pueblo Classic + 50% sun cured Kentucky, Burley and Samsoun midrib).
Oden’s extreme portion, I can usually get abut 90 mins use out of these.
The recently released second iteration of General Harvest (original portion), after trying out the white portion version. Quite delicious. Highly recommended.
Oden’s extreme portion, as usual, cheap and strong.
Knox Lös. Mild traditional flavor profile with a medium coarse grind. Neither top tier or a favorite, but worth grabbing a can every now and again as a change-up.
Beautiful. I assume you are using all parts of the cigar (wrapper, binder, filler), but do you find that you need to prep the binder or filler a bit to remove any bigger veins that might not grind down well? Just curious as to the preparation of a deconstructed long-filler cigar for preparing flour for snus, since I assume the grind is a bit coarser than a very coarse nasal snuff (like NTSU Black or such like).
This snus looks awesome!
Ettan Los, I really like the taste of this one.
General is the only snus available locally. I generally have an Original in the morning and either a peppermint or spearmint in the afternoon. I wish Mr. Snuff sold snus, the other on-line places don’t seem to have figured out how to ship to the US for a reasonable cost.
Ettan Los this evening.
Yes, a whole cigar was crumbled and milled. I have never disassembled any, but surely noticed different layers.
Any basic coffee grinder easily copes even with the thickest and hardest midribs, it only takes some extra time and sieving.
The grind indeed is on a coarser side (purposely), yet somewhat finer than that of ATVR Neftobak. Bakes easily, prilla has decent longevity - no mudslide even by the end of second hour. About 1/3 of all grains passes through a sieve with 150 micron aperture, another 1/3 - 300 micron, the rest - 600 micron, so it would be absolutely noseable with lower moisture and not kneaded. With 25% water it would look like this (not pasteurised, not kneaded):
Thanks! I’ve pretty much ignored the “chew bags” and such on Mr. Snuff. Not having tried any of Oden’s snus, which ones would approximate General Original, Mint, and Wintergreen? Looking forward to trying some other flavors, but a roll of each of those would be a good start.
I have tried Lose, but found it too messy for use at work. I’m happy with portions.
Chew bags are pretty much snus just rebranded to get around the legislation on non chewing tobacco in places like the UK. I’ve had it and there is no discernable difference.
Thank you, I thought they were like those American “snus” portions or some such. I’ll def add a roll or three to my next MS order.
Pulled a can of Göteborgs Rapé Lössnus out of the deep freezer earlier today. Not a bad choice to match with the spring weather.