Sir Walter Scott's Thrice Brewed Snuff

I just saw this new product on MrSnuff. I’m curious to know what it’s like reviewers…thanks in advance.

Damn! That sounds like some fine snuff!! Sir Johnny is at it again. Mr. Snuff sure ran out fast.

I think there has been a little administrative mistake ! The snuff is called Thrice Brewed, not Thrice Blended and the consignment has not even reached the warehouse. Johnny


I think there has been a little administrative mistake ! The snuff is called Thrice Brewed, not Thrice Blended and the consignment has not even reached the warehouse. Johnny

@Johnny can you speak to the strength of this upcoming smash hit? On the web site it is listed as “Nicotine Level: medium” but given how it is made I would think it would be extremely high in nicotine.

Hehe. A serious leak in security systems causes consternation in the world of snuff. I can see the headlines now. But this doesn’t seem to be the perique snuff that was rumoured to be coming some time this month. Obviously some exciting developments behind the scenes here. I stand poised to put in an order before this product runs out.

Deemed a masterpiece before anyone has sampled it. Interesting.

The description is too much. It’s like snuff porn and, I need new pants now.

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It does read like tobacco heaven.

This is a helluva thing to say, but given the description and the track record of the blender (no less than Johnny himself), the odds are in favor of this new snuff being yet another masterpiece. Damn, but aint this snuff thing one great hobby?!

Incredible Masterpiece! I might write a review even before I’ve tried it. Ok I’ll wait a little longer.

YAY!!! New SWS snuff… :slight_smile: Holding fire on a massive baskt full at MisterSnuff for this one and Havana Toast. Great to see such a buzz in the snuff comunity too :slight_smile:

Thrice Brewed is a modern version of Masulipatam - one of the most renowned types from the glory days of snuff and something I have always wanted to try. The original Masulipatam was imported from India and was a powerfully scented snuff that was often used in blending, most notably by Fribourg and Treyer. Johnny’s version is magnificent - something truly unique and it will speak for itself.

Very nice snuff, the all process bring out a taste of alcohol reminds me auld alliance… i like it all !!!

Yes, deemed a Masterpiece before anyone has sampled it. The description on Mr. Snuff, Nigel’s endorsement and knowledge of the history behind this snuff…combine all that with Sir Johnny’s (and Nigel’s) impeccable track record I find it easy to deem this a Masterpiece before trying it. We will all let the snuff speak for itself, and even if it’s not to our personal liking, it would be blasphemy to say that the craftsmanship, the inspired artistry and the quality of the snuff itself aren’t exemplary. Just my opinion, ought to be yours :slight_smile:

I had a lovely Indian curry for lunch which I decided was a celebration of the impending Triple Brew. In case you’re curious, Garlic and Coriander Nan with Mango (now there’ a possibility, Creme De Mango) Chilli Chutney and Chicken Jalfrezi. I hope this SWS is going to be just as good because that was a Masterpiece.

@I_snuff_therefore___‌ that sounds like one delicious lunch. I’m pissed because now I’m hungry.

@I_snuff_therefore___‌ that sounds like one delicious lunch. I’m pissed because now I’m hungry.

My gut is sticking out now though. Maybe a few Irish Arack (Guinness) will help. Probably not but I need me iron as can’t afford any steak because I spent the money on Guinness. Think this is going round in a circle? Auld Guinness snuff? No maybe not. Hey, Havana Toast goes pretty well with this Guinness! Brillinanto! Magnifico… not sure of the Irish or Cuban word?

Gaelic would be iontach , Basque is Liluragarria. Regardless the lunch sounds great, Guinness is a food group not a mere beverage and Havana Toast is magnífico!

I would really really like to try some SWS snuff and other premium snuffs, I just can’t ever go for quality over quantity when it comes to ordering snuff. I need to just go for it at least once, I’ve heard such great things and the anticipation of this new SWS snuff is really persuading me.