Ermtony and Redstar? Where are you?

Right now I’m trying to keep Bernard’s aecht altbayerischer schmalzler in my nose, but does anyone know whatever happened to Ermtony and Redstar from the old site? In my mind those were the snuff gods. They knew everything about snuff!! Ermtony had a website with a bunch of snuff info on it. Also, mrmar00n was someone who had the earliest snuff related content on YouTube back in the day. He was the man! Does anyone know them or what happened to them?

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I think they passed away several years ago.

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Ermtony, yes, probably passed away years ago.

As for Red Star, I think it’s a different case. I met him personally in 2009 at the Intertabac tobacco fair in Dortmund. He’ll probably be around 50 today, so it’s a bit too early to put him in his grave.

That’s how it is, one day you’re sitting on a forum and writing with your friends about snuff, and the next you don’t have time for it anymore and you don’t show up for years. And sometimes you think about what’s happening to all those people who were with us years ago.

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Thank you so much for letting me know. I’m sorry to hear about Ermtony. I’d never met him, but I’d always wanted to.


Good news, PhilipS has returned, and Jaap Bes still chimes every now and then.

Xander popped up two years ago, just to wave and abandon this place again.

Sad news, Pieter Claassen, Basement Shaman and Chef Daniel passed away.


I’m sorry to hear that they passed away. Thank you for the update.

I guess, we are still here and can carry the torch! Today, I’m enjoying F&T HDT. Let us know what you are enjoying.


Enjoying pure powder of freshly milled Dominican cigar this morning, before turning this flour to a proper snuff.

As you already have noticed, this forum isn’t that busy anymore (barely alive, actually). For the worst part, after the latest migration to the current mobile-friendly platform, search engines fail to return Snuffhouse pages to snuff-related queries, making this forum an isolated archive.

If you haven’t discovered it yet, check out the Nasal Snuff sub on Reddit - Reddit - Dive into anything - the most lively place nowadays. Also, there are a couple of groups on Facebook - Nasal Snuff Takers and Modern Snuff, and somewhat more active Toque’s snuff forum - (if you miss good old forum structure).


Toque’s forum couldn’t be described as active by any reasonable measure. It could be a great forum, but sadly there are more posts from bots than from members with an interest in snuff.


I stand corrected, @nisam! Just took a glance at it - I’m not a member of Toque forum, and don’t frequent the place - definitely not more active, not even “somewhat”. I couldn’t be more wrong at it.


It’s a shame that either forum isn’t more active - I like forums and am not enamoured of social media. Reddit seems like a mad house. Facebook is equally mad, although I currently have an account there for a very small number of groups (including those you mention). It’s a tentative situation and I reserve the right to delete that account on any given day.


It is, in general, but the r/nasalsnuff subreddit is surprisingly serene compared to many other tobacco-related forums there. As @volunge has pointed out, it is clearly the most lively such online forum at present.


Indeed, r/nasalsnuff, r/Snus, r/DIYSnus and r/GrowingTobacco are rather civilised communities, staying on topic most of the time, strictly supervised by active moderators.

You won’t spot a single meme on r/nasalsnuff. No fights or political debates, no “shitposting”. No gatekeeping, no snuff wars - both Toque and Mr. Snuff participate.


Chef Daniel was Old Mill, correct?


Correct… RIP.


Now I started wondering if there are any people here who have been here from the very beginning of snuffhouse.


Does “lurking” count?

I dared to join late, on Dec 28, 2017, after about a decade of reading. Not even sure when exactly I stumbled upon Snuffhouse the very first time, but I remember there was just a handful of threads, like a page or a couple of, and I watched it growing on each comeback. Wasn’t following it daily, by any means.

I started using internet ca 2002 (or 2003… +/- 1 year). Didn’t take long to dive into @tobacco (although the very first tobacco site I accessed was, in the reading room of my uni).

(Edited timeline;

Archived original Snuffhouse (.org) - - All Discussions)


I have enabled Google indexing for this forum, so hopefully, in a few days, search results from its vast archive will become available.

Historical Note
I think partly for nostalgic reasons, Dave felt keeping this place going was important. We faced a decision because using the previous version was becoming untenable. It was based on really old, end-of-life technology that required ever more support and money to keep it staggering along.

So, we bit the bullet and undertook the task of transferring the forum wholesale from 1990s technology to 2022 technology. That was… interesting, and expensive and time-consuming. It took a dedicated coder about 4 months of work, mainly because it was deemed unacceptable to simply start again. Instead, all the archives, which included all users, images, etc., from the past had to be “translated” into the future. It was a bit like translating Linear B into Whalesong, not easy.

Now we have a modern, cloud-based, scalable forum, and we are set for the next 10 years. Crucially, it finally works on the mobile format that accounts for nearly 80% of our user base, whilst preserving the valuable history stretching back over the years.

Frankly, it was a triumph of technical engineering, and did I mention how difficult, time-consuming, and expensive it all was?

The result was that everybody hated the new icon, too orange apparently.

Still, despite the soul crushing, I have come to appreciate this forum’s pace, the depth of the average user’s knowledge, it’s friendly and open nature, especially compared to often prickly, trolling world of social media. I like the fact that I can be a little freer here, slightly less cagey and circumspect.

All in all, I am glad we kept it going.


Deepest thanks for this, @Jonny, and for saving all the content, first and foremost!


Apparently so, since you lived the forum atmosphere and absorbed the knowledge provided by many distinguished users, which resulted in you becoming one of the most important snuff lovers in the world. At least on my list of “snuff gods”.

Snuffhouse started operating around November 2006, and I started participating in the life of this forum already in December 2006 / January 2007. How many years ago. In the “cstokes era” I was even considered for the role of moderator, which I did not take. A piece of good history.


Some of the Snuffhouse old-timers are still active on Fair Trade Tobacco forum.