Hello everyone! I’ve been away far too long. I quit snuff years ago and had to stay away, regretfully, to avoid temptation.
The purpose of my post is to gauge if there is anyone interested in my entire snuff collection, as a collectible only, of course. Highlights include over 40 brown glass jars of various decanted snuffs , almost all entirely unused, kept refrigerated as long as I’ve owned them. Including six jars of Molens snuff made by the master Jaap Bes himself and one small jar from Old Mill. The rest are fairly common with a few other no longer produced. Some 10+ years old. This is a fairly large collection with a good amount of snuff that is almost entirely unobtainable.
If interest is sufficient I’ll repost or update with pictures, types and amounts. Rare and perhaps once in a lifetime chance to own some of these treasures. Interested in moving entire collection all together but willing to talk specifics. I’m glad to be back. Missed you all!