W.E. garrett

White Elephant is made by 41 Photo. Cheetah is the strongest of 6 Photo and isn’t not beginner friendly. You can get a 50g bag of rustica here http://www.toquesnuff.com/index.php you might want Toque Quit also. Fubar Snafu has a decent kick,Fubar Grunt is worth trying And Fubar willie pete is about the finest grind you’ll find. Taxi Red is moist and heavy and packs a punch, after you get past the ammonia it has a barnyard scent you will either love it or hate it. Oh and SG does not do fruit snuffs well. Bernard Aecht Alt Schmalzler was my first Schmalzler and I loved it and order two more a week later. You can get carried away when beginning with snuff. yes it is less expensive than smoking and healthier for you. Enjoy the your journey and remember to take notes.