Snuff Rituals & Habits

Snuff is the best tobacco product for focussing the mind (unless you have a big N tolerance and then that benefit is lost which is why I keep my tolerance low).

@SnuffySnuff There was a great talk given at last year’s Chicago pipe show (by an addiction counselor, of all people), titled something to the effect of, “NIcotine: Evil killer or modern wonder drug?”. The key takeaways from it were that nicotine, by itself, is addictive but not carcinogenic, and really helps with a lot of medical issues, like ADD, ADHD, and so on. Unfortunately, because of the power of the anti-tobacco lobby, which insists that nothing good can come from nicotine, and because nicotine can’t be patented (and thus profited from, as Big Pharma would prefer us to use drugs it can make money on), its benefits are not well known. Have no fear, though, as Big Pharma is working on producing compounds derived from nicotine (but different enough from it that Big Pharma can patent them, and thus charge large amounts of money for) to solve all your problems. Apparently one of the biggest issues, IIRC, is that a lot of these nicotine-derived drugs have heavy nausea as a side effect.

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