What is the SNUFFMASTER-ultimate snuff experience

Will you please invent one that shoots the snuff up into my nostrils. Thank you.

I have an idea, maybe it is realizable :wink: The problem is that you ahve to fill with snuff before every shot

Is it like a double bullet where you’re basically sniffing from two chambers. Or does it deliver two doses on to the back of your hand for sniffing from there? It doesn’t seem practical for snuffers who have a deviated septum, which is very common (I have for instance so need to be able to sniff extra hard with that nostril). It’s a sexy looking instrument, I’ll say that, but I like getting my fingers stuck in and taking big fat juicy pinches the traditional manly way :wink: Good luck. I wish you every success and hope your customers enjoy using your product.

Is it like a double bullet where you’re basically sniffing from two chambers. Or does it deliver two doses on to the back of your hand for sniffing from there? It doesn’t seem practical for snuffers who have a deviated septum, which is very common (I have for instance so need to be able to sniff extra hard with that nostril). It’s a sexy looking instrument, I’ll say that, but I like getting my fingers stuck in and taking big fat juicy pinches the traditional manly way :wink: Good luck. I wish you every success and hope your customers enjoy using your product.

Is it like a double bullet where you’re basically sniffing from two chambers. Or does it deliver two doses on to the back of your hand for sniffing from there? It doesn’t seem practical for snuffers who have a deviated septum, which is very common (I have for instance so need to be able to sniff extra hard with that nostril). It’s a sexy looking instrument, I’ll say that, but I like getting my fingers stuck in and taking big fat juicy pinches the traditional manly way :wink: Good luck. I wish you every success and hope your customers enjoy using your product.