Snuff making 101

In all fairness you can simply grind up any tobacco and snuff it. A little water and salt can make it easier to snuff. A little of this and a little of that, you know how it goes. I’m going to go over the basic mechanics here first drying, grinding, sieving  and hydrating. Although these are not necessarily always done in that order. Then below I will go further in detail on different snuff types and methods for making those. I will also try to go on about tobacco varieties and some of their qualities as they apply to their use in snuff making. Also to be discussed will be non tobacco additives. Furthermore I will attempt to go through details on casings and scenting. Then finally some tips on how to use heat to your advantage. The goal here is to expand our knowledge on snuff and snuff making. Not only so that we can make our own snuff but so that we might more appreciate the snuff that we buy. I will try to answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding making snuff further down on this thread. Suggestions, corrections, questions, and any relevant information regarding this thread are welcomed. As @Snuffster has suggested a thread like this is a good idea and can only enhance our beloved snuff house. I realize I am a sucker for volunteering and that I am in a bit over my head but I think with a little help from this community this will turn out OK.