Bloodpressure Smoking v.s Snuffing

Hey PipenSnusnSnuff … I do think there is debate on the efficacy of flaxseed nowadays … I once took flaxseed as well … Recent research has established that the conversion of flaxseed oil to EPA and DHA is completely inefficient and ineffective in humans, flaxseed does little to raise the body’s EPA levels and nothing to raise DHA levels. I get not liking the fishy taste … i don’t tend to get it as much with the brand Wholemega … but, in this regard, to each his own, flax seed or fish oil.  But I only bring it up because just like all research - coffee, fats, wheat, carbohydrates, etc - relating to diet and health, information changes so quickly, even after years of all of us adopting a new recommendation.  I think the research on fish oil, though, is sound … and is one of the best supplements any of us can take … and should take, if not eat more fish.  Just my opinion.