Swimming and snuff = runny nose

I’ve finally worked out why I seem to be sniveling a lot more recently. In an effort to get fit, I’ve started swimming most days. Since then my nose always seemed to be running excessively. But what I’ve noticed, on my rest days, my nose doesn’t snivel. Clearly there’s a reaction between chlorine and snuff causing runny nose syndrome. As I do need to get fit and swimming is helping a lot, I’m going to use more snus on swim days and less snuff. On days of rest I’ll use more snuff. Anyone else had this happen? Anyway, just thought I’d share my findings with you.

Good to know. I’m planning on doing some swimming to build cardiovascular and muscle endurance so I’ll keep this in mind.

Get a big nose full before you dive in and see if you can leave a contrail. Pictures of this phenomenon would be best.

Snuff in the pool? Biohazard!

The hazard is chlorine and bromine–you should see what it does to silver. Even gold, over time becomes embrittled by it. We have customers come in regularly with gray jewelry from swimming pools and hot tubs. Maybe hazard is too strong a word, but it puts me off.

Get a big nose full before you dive in and see if you can leave a contrail. Pictures of this phenomenon would be best.

Well if he ever drowns in a large body of water we can just follow the brown trail right to his body :))

Well, the professional swimmers all wear nose plugs. Coincidence? I think not!

Tough on tattoos also.

In all honesty, if I was doing that, I’d be snusing while swimming, but snuff as soon as I was dried off. I bicyclce a lot, and I can’t go for long on a snuff before it’s running all over my face, so I snus while cycling.

chlorine is a poison. It is safe then floating fecal matter. Not sure how that effects the runny nose. My suggestion is hiking is drier. :smiley:

Cycling is drier too, and you can go farther!

They put more than chlorine in the drinking water. I do all my swimming in polluted waters; it much healthier then crystal clear pool water >-)

One of the many reason I hate penn state football season (the season is the important part, as a local you can’t fault me for it either) is that before the town is infested with fans the chlorine level in the drink water spikes to a disgusting level. Which might just be some locals trying to poison the invaders (trust me some locals feel a level of hate that is singular).

My theory: lots of snuff…nose plugs in…swimming…nose plugs out…more snuff.

Nose plugs eh. Didn’t know about those. Thanks, I’ll get some.

The ladies like how they look too :wink: