Beau Brummel Here is a nice little clip from the movie Beau Brummell: This Charming Man, which you can see in entirety on Netflix Streaming. Good scene of snuff store and discussion of a snuff box.

He is a jolly good fellow.

that’s cool.

And I though Beau Brummell was just a 60’s garage rock band. Snuffhouse is quite the treasure trove of information.

That was a good play - I saw it when it came out on BBC. I recall writing a composition at school set in the 18th century, and putting in a scene where a snuff box is passed around a group of men. The teacher marked that bit ‘good period detail’!

I decided to watch the whole movie. It was pretty good. I noticed a lot of the people looked kinda like famous musicians. The Prince Regent’s brother looked kinda like Brian May with the white man fro and Byron reminded me of Bob Dylan. I love how the guys with the white make up and ridiculous wigs were making fun of Beau in the beginning so he kicked the sh#t out of them.

I wish the BBC would make more plays like that. Simple, low budget, but good script and actors. No CGI required!

Apparently he loved a pinch of F&T Old Paris